Keen to join our panel?


Get paid for your opinion. No matter what your skill, experience, ethnicity, gender, age, marital status or employment status. Your opinions and insights are valuable to us and you are welcome to join our research panel.


Registration for the panel is free and should only take a few minutes. If you fit the criteria for a project you will be approached to see if you would like to participate. 


If you are selected you will be paid for your time in voucher, cash, product or gift. This incentive will be agreed upfront. Your participation may be in a focus group, a face-to-face interview or in an online environment.


The information you provide is super important as it will help us determine your eligibility for a research project.

We take your privacy very seriously. We value you and your opinions and have a strict privacy policy.

Already a Member?

Are your details up-to-date? Has your situation changed?

Perhaps you are now married, have a child, have retired or updated your phone number.

Please update your details regularly.